How I Coach

As your coach, my goal is to help you break free from old patterns and limited beliefs, and make regular and attainable changes that bring freedom and happiness to your life.


Why Did You Decide to Become a Coach?

I have experienced the transformative power of coaching in my own life, and want to share this gift with others.

How are you trained?

I am a certified coach through the International Coaching Federation at the ACC-Level.

What is your philosophy or style?

I am deeply influenced by the Enneagram and have received more than 110 training hours towards Enneagram Coaching certification through the Enneagram Prison Project. Additionally, I have seen the power of the 12-steps in my own life and many others. My coaching incorporates the principles of these programs as I interpret them but is not formally associated with either program.

What is Coaching?

Coaching IS…an interactive relationship between the coach and client, that empowers the client to find solutions that help them feel unstuck and turn their dreams a reality.

Coaching IS NOT…therapy or consulting, nor is it directive or prescribed. During coaching sessions we are likely to uncover patterns of behavior and attitudes that inhibit growth. And perhaps we may identify historical events and relationships that have contribute to current feelings – but we will not seek healing from those relationships or events in this context. Therapy or participation in self-help programs is encouraged for all participants as an ideal complement to coaching. Coaching is not a replacement for mental health services, 12-step or grief programs.

Ready to take the next step?

Book your FREE introductory session below.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
— Lao Tzu